Prosthodontic/Implant Emergencies
If you are experiencing a life threatening emergency, please call 911. The Ottawa Hospital has an extensive network of medical and dental experts who will be able to help. The team will contact Dr. Hickman who can provide care on an as needed basis.
Following Surgical or Advanced Procedure:
Following all treatment we provide patients with all the necessary information relating to post-operative care relating to their procedure. If you are having issues you should start there as it provides detailed instructions for the most common types of issues that can come up. It also includes phone information to reach Dr. Sam Hickman directly in case of emergency.
Lost or Broken Tooth:
A healthy tooth that is chipped, broken, or lost from a traumatic event is something that must be acted on quickly as it may be possible to save the tooth. Teeth re-implanted within 30 minutes of coming out have the highest chance of success. Below are a few steps you can take to help improve the odds:
Try to only touch the tooth by the crown (chewing surface) and do not touch the root.
If the tooth is dirty, gently rinse it with water. DO NOT scrub or wipe the root of the tooth.
Reposition the tooth in the socket immediately, if possible. Hold the tooth in place by either biting down on a wet piece of paper towel, gauze, or gently holding it in place with your fingers.
If the tooth can't be repositioned keep it moist using milk, saline, or storing it in your mouth between your lower gums and cheek (be careful as this can pose a choking hazard in young children). Tap water should be avoided as the sensitive tooth root cannot tolerate these condition for long.
Get in to see an endodontist immediately! A general dentist can also help, but a referral to an endodontist will likely result. At the bottom of this page we have listed several local endodontists we recommend.
Fractured Provisional Crowns:
Provisional (temporary) crowns are not as strong as definitive crowns as they are made with materials that are designed to be easily adjusted and modified. Please save any piece of the fractured crown you can. In most cases a new provisional will be fabricated, but it is worthwhile seeing how and where the fracture occured to help prevent it from happening again.
Discomfort from Removable Prostheses:
If you are experiencing unexpected discomfort from a removable prosthetic appliance we have provided, unless otherwise advised, please remove it. There is no reason for you to be uncomfortable for an extended period. Give us a call to schedule in for an adjustment. On the morning of your adjustment appointment please do your best to reinsert the removable prosthesis. This will help our team make the necessary adjustments to help improve comfort. Denture repairs are often completed same day, depending on the level of the damage.
Emergencies while we're closed:
Should you have an emergency while we are closed and you feel it needs to be seen immediately we advise you contact your family dentist. Alternatively you can contact the Ottawa Dental Society's emergency service at 613-523-4185..
Visitors to Ottawa:
Welcome to Ottawa! It is unfortunate that prosthodontic issues can come up while on holidays, but they do. Be it a loose implant component, a chipped tooth, or a broken denture, we are here to help. In most cases we provide palliative care to stabilize you enough to get you home to your current provider.
List of Local Endodontist:
DOCS Ottawa - Endodontics
Dr. Lyon Hamburg & Dr. Michael Rapp
240 Catherine Street, 4th Floor
Phone: (613) 234-12110
Associated Endodontics
Dr. Lisane Paquette, Dr. Andrew Gaffen, & Dr. Helena Lim
265 Carling Ave., Suite 620
Phone: (613) 238-2463
Ottawa East Endodontics
Dr. José Line Leduc
1929 Russell Road, Suite 328
Phone: (613) 730-3636